The Path of Initiation I & II



127 pages

Kindle Edition


The Path of Initiation is a collective work of three volumes. Volumes I and II of this series first appeared in 1952 as Creative Thinking and The Nature of the Soul, respectively, while volume III appeared in 1956 as The Soul and Its Instrument. However, in 1957, Lucille Cedercrans completely transformed the earlier texts (into the larger works published in 2001 and 1993), but kept the earlier titles. Although the two sets of books are very different works, the duplicate titles were confusing, and it became customary to refer to the earlier versions as the “short forms” of Creative Thinking and The Nature of the Soul. In an effort to relieve this confusion, the “short forms” are now simply Volumes I and II of The Path of Initiation.

Students of these materials typically find volumes I and II very accessible and excellent introductions to the basic principles of The Wisdom.

“You are seekers, all of you, seeking Truth as man has sought Truth throughout all of his many experiences. That seeking has been the basic cause of all your experiences, regardless of their nature. The so-called good and the bad have been the result of man’s great desire to know. The vague, indescribable restlessness within, which drives man from one experience to the other, is his demand for Truth. And what is the Truth that man seeks? His own Identity. The realization that he is a Son of God, a Conscious Soul Incarnate.”

The Path of Initiation
p. 4

French Translation – Le Sentier de l’Initiation

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