The Nature of the Soul – Downloadable Format


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The Nature of the Soul is the final part of a series of courses on self-initiated spiritual growth and development. It is not an intellectual treatise, but a course designed to facilitate step-by-step unfoldment from individuality to group awareness and conscious service to the One Life. This conscious service is called the path of discipleship, and those who walk this path are called Disciples.

This course prepares the student for the inner work of the Disciple. This inner work is accomplished through meditation which is the creative activity of the Soul or consciousness. Thus, each of the texts in this series is a course in the art and science of meditation.

The first incarnation of The Nature of the Soul was in 1953, as a series of ten loose-leaf lessons. In the late 1950’s The Nature of the Soul (or N.S.) was revised and expanded into the present 40 lesson course.

“The human family stands today upon the threshold of a new experience, that of Soul consciousness. Every man, woman, and child incarnate upon the planet is being brought closer to this happening by the force of evolution itself. Just as man is differentiated from the animal, in that he is a self-conscious human being, so shall he make yet another advance in awareness to become a Soul-conscious son of God. No longer must he walk in the shadow of spiritual ignorance, for the Light of his Soul is moving upon his horizon.”

The Nature of the Soul
p. 3