Links to Other Wisdom Groups

Luminous Sitting, Torturous Walking

The autobiography and biography of Lucille Cedercrans Schaible
by Gretchen Ann Groth

Luminous Sitting, Tortuous Walking is composed of four approaches:

  1. Writings by Lucille. These include her three autobiographical chapters, her poetry, and two stories.
  2. Chapters written by me as if Lucille had been the author. For many of these, Lucille had shared the experiences with me so often that I was able to write the stories just as I recall her telling them to me.
  3. Explanatory chapters. I describe or analyze parts of her life or explain the methodology for her process (Science of Impression).
  4. Anecdotal memories of Lucille by students and other people who knew her. These are spread throughout the book.

Agni Yoga Society

Nicholas Roerich Museum

The Seven Ray Institute

(University of Seven Rays)

Full Moon Meditation

Arcana Workshops

The Center for Conscious Creativity (CCC)

Meditation Groups, Inc.

(Meditation Mount, MGNA)

The White Mountain Educational Assoc

The International Committee of the Banner of Peace

In Spanish with several articles in English

SoulFlow Wisdom on the Net

We also offer training for establishing soul contact and preparation for discipleship. We are inspired by the writings of Alice Bailey, Lucille Cedercran and Roberto Assagioli and are working in cooperation with many fine groups in Denmark to bring the Wisdom to a larger audience.

The Wisdom Group

This is a group based on the knowledge and understanding of The New Thoughtform Presentation of the Wisdom as presented by Lucille Cedercrans and others.

Pluto Network

This is an online discussion group that includes “Lucille Cedercrans” among its short list of topics. It’s small, but growing, and we wanted to let you know that there is a place to talk about N.S., etc.

Pluto Network is a group united by their vision of a peaceful new world; by their dedicated spirituality however it is expressed, and by their acceptance that there are numerous paths leading to this goal.

Lucis Trust

Arcane School, Lucis Publishing Company, Lucis Trust Library, World Goodwill

Soul Life Center

Online offers an interactive psycho-educational program that: fosters increased understanding and self-awareness; helps resolve problems and blocks; facilitates realization of potential and meaning in one’s life. We advocate conscious evolution informed by intrinsic spiritual purpose for both individual and planetary good.

Our logo was created by Lucette Bourdin © 1996